Importing Pedigree Miniature Bull Terrier Into Germany?

Oh Mike, enjoy your expat assignment and take the trouble with the authorities as an warm welcome to Germanys "secret olympics" - the "Behörden". It will be a good story for your collegues at lunch in the "Kantine" - I guess there is no german, who hasn't a similar story. (Well not with his dog, but you wouldn't believe how difficult it could be, to change the fence in your frontyard, or the taxes, or.... ) ;)

The law is on your side, luckily you find this board and Weidemann will help you with the rest. I wish you a very good time in germany, keep us inform how it's going and I swear you, you will get stuff to tell for many years. I could make a hole stand-up comedy show from the troubles, we had with our moving companie. And yes.... after a year I'm able to laugh about it.
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Don't be discouraged. There are many great things about Germany, but this is not one of them.
You got in touch with the right lawyer at the right time, and you are covering all your bases before you arrive - you'll be fine.
Think so, too.

And once you arrived, and feel the need of talking to fellow dog-persons, let us know - there are several Bulli-Fans and Bulli-owners from this forum living in and around Düsseldorf and I think quite a few of them speak at least some English.
I am waiting eagerly for the lawyer, Lars Weidemann to respond back. He felt he could help me so I'm hopeful he will be able to assist. As my company, Henkel, has a very significant presence in Dusseldorf, they are looking into having their legal team also assisting with Mr. Weidemann to get to the right authorities to make the correct decision on my miniature. I'm willing to get FCI or other pedigree papers in addition to his AKC papers if necessary.

I was so excited for my expat assignment until this happened. But suppose better to deal with it now then get to Germany and have problems. If this does not work out, last resort to keep my expat is my company is looking at potential for me to live in Roermond, Netherlands and take the 1 hr commute each way every day; possibly work from home on Fridays. A big mess so hopefully legal help will make the Dusseldorf situation work out ok.

that might actually be a good idea, or maybe venlo, which would be like a 1h ride to düsseldorf. also yes, try to fly into amsterdam with klm, the dutch airline. i moved from germany to shanghai last summer with three larger dogs and i was very satisfied with how klm handled the dogs.

maybe also try they operate at frankfurt airport, which isn't too far from düsseldorf.

düsseldorf is really nice and it's situated at germanys biggest river, which is just wonderfull to walk dogs! my busband lived in düsseldorf before we moved to china.

and also, kudos for thinking ahead and taking care of things! lots of people don't and get their pets in trouble.
I should know more next week. Weidemann spoke with the president of GBF (Gesellschaft der Bullterrierfreunde e.V.) and working to get official german pedigree papers next week. Meanwhile, the AKC here issued an official stamped letter for me backing up that the dog is still a miniature pedigree and re-issued his registration papers for current issue date to back it up. The letter details (below) re-inforce what I've been telling the authorities all along:
Thank you for your recent correspondence.

Miniature Bull Terriers and Bull Terriers are separate breeds. The breed standard identifying
Miniature Bull Terriers as being from ten to fourteen inches is used to judge dogs competing in conformation.

A Miniature Bull Terrier can be several inches below or above the standard height. The
American Kennel Club registered Minotaur Sparks Will Fly in your recorded ownership
as a Miniature Bull Terrier.

We hope this information is of help to you.


The American Kennel Club, Inc.

Weidemann agrees the dog should come in through Amsterdam just to simplify things a bit so no customs hassle to deal with and then hopefully I will have the dog's german papers and letter of approval from someone to make registration go smoothly. Will keep everyone posted on how things go.
sounds good. that's germany for you - lots and lots of rules....

hope everything runs smoothly and you can enjoy your stay! keep us posted.
I second that - Have a great time in Germany and keep in touch!
Hello All,

Just an update on status. Lawyer, Mr. Weidemann has obtained official GBF pedigree registration for my Miniature Bull Terrier. He said there are two approaches now: 1) I send the GBF papers back to Dusseldorf authorities and try to get confirmation from them, or 2) just bring him in from Amsterdam with his GBF papers and go to register him. Mr. Weidemann advised the following:

I just got the pedigree of the GBF ( depends on ) , ie when the dog is a Miniature Bull Terrier , which by the GBF eV ( Member of VDH / FCI ) has been recognized as such and included in the studbook . The dog has so FCI papers , so that it really should be no problems at entry

His recommendation is to just bring him, go to register him for license and then go from there if they raise further issues. So now I'm trying to decide whether I should try to push it now from US or just bring my dog to Dusseldorf and then fight it out if necessary. The 2nd option seems reasonable but I've read so much on this forum and elsewhere where miniatures that are too tall have had issues in NRW? I just don't want to go to Germany and then have my dog taken from me and put in some dog pound like a criminal.

What does everyone here think? Do you think I should just bring him now? Is there any instance anyone knows of with official GBF papers where miniature was still not allowed to register? Have others had good luck in eventually getting their dog registered? Through courts?
Hello Cecil, thanks for the update.

What I don't understand is - do you need to register your dog in the german studbook for the import (german custom service at the airport) or for the local authorities ("Ordnungsamt" of NRW)?
What did your transportation company say?
Mr. Weidemann obtained the German pedigree papers to help wih both import and local registration. But everyone determined best still to drive him into Dusseldorf from Amsterdam. So it's now a matter of getting him registered in Dusseldorf, hoping his German papers would prevent further issues on his height. But from what I've read, even with German pedigree papers it can be a major fight to get a "too tall" miniature registered in NRW. So my dilema is whether to just go for it and bring him or keep trying to get him fully accepted from outside Germany. Just don't want to have dog seized and be without him while it takes months to fight it out in court.
Ah okay,
first - your dog wouldn't be seperated from you, when you got into struggle with düsseldorfs authorithies. The law in NRW says that it is legal to move with a banned dog to NRW, but you are not allowed as a citizen in NRW to get a new dog of a banned race. Your dog is only taken away, if you get to your dog on an illegal way - so don't worry. The import is legal you don't break any rules.
@Crabat @mdcecil
While taking my dog to the loo I was thinking about this case, and a thought come to my mind:

Wouldn't it be better to come via Frankfurt (or Berlin/Munich) to germany and bring that dog trough the german custom service (I woul prefer Frankfurt, they have more experiences with dogs) into germany? I mean, that will show the düsseldorf authorities, that this dog is a "official" Miniature Bullterrier, otherwise the custom services wouldn't let the dog pass. Federal laws beats local laws, so - that is my thought - the decision/word of the custom service means more, than the meaning of the local authorities.

*sorry I have to change into german, to make clear what I mean*
Also mein Gedanke dabei ist, Bundesrecht/Zollbeamter "schlägt" LHVO/Ordnungsamt. Wenn der Hund importiert wird, bekommt man darüber ja ein Dokument, dass nicht vom Ordnungsamt anfechtbar ist - bei einem Import über Amsterdamm hätte man das ja nicht, bzw. hätte dies für die deutschen Behörden keine zwingende Aussagekraft.
Damit könnte man ja seine Position gegenüber dem Ordnungsamt stärken, oder liege ich da falsch?
Lawyer, relocation company, and pet transporter all say better to bring in through Amsterdam. German customs indicated to me if he arrives they will hold him and contact NRW vet to make determination. So then I end up dealing with any issues while my dog is still held by customs and not in my possession. So seems no matter what it's a NRW issue that prevails. If I try to submit German pedigree papers while still in US, I'm guessing they will reject them and then I have to fight from here - but at least I have my dog safe. On other hand, if I just drive him into NRW and then go to register him, I may be challenged even with his German papers and then not sure what happens and how long a battle that would be.
But I don't get it - you got a clear pedigree that says, that this dog is a Miniature Bullterrier, why doesn't Weidemann contact the custom service at Fraport and tell them how the german law is! It makes no sense to me, because they accept AKC pedigrees for other breeds.
My dobermann is 2cm shorter then the standard, that doesn't make him to a big German Pincher.

I guess I will call the custom service for myself and ask them if I could import a Miniature Bullterrier from the States, and what they need to let him pass.
I just looked at the site of Fraport (airport Frankfurt) - why the heck should a veterinary of NRW should decide wether the dog is a Mini or not, when Frankfurt is in the "state" of Hessen? That makes no sense. Or do you fly via Düsseldorf?
I think he said in one of his posts that he wanted to fly via Düsseldorf, and hence, had talked to the Düsseldorf customs.

Did I get this right?
I think he said in one of his posts that he wanted to fly via Düsseldorf, and hence, had talked to the Düsseldorf customs.

Did I get this right?

Okay, I didn't know that the airport in Düsseldorf is that big - the breeder I know, export their puppies via Frankfurt, so I thought automatically the other way round. That takes me to the question: why don't contact the custom service at fraport directly and ask them how they deal with AKC pedigrees?
It's the second biggest international airport in Germany. ;)

And I think that yes, that would be a good idea indeed.

mdcecil, there's a direct and very fast train connection from Fraport (the airport has its own train station) directy to Düsseldorf. It's little more than an hour on the train, and it is okay to bring the dog with you (even though she might have to wear a muzzle) Coming in via Frankfurt would definitely be an option.

You might ask user @Wiwwelle for her opinion. Methinks (IIRC) she used to work at the animal department of the Frankfurt customs, some years ago, and now does so in the local Frankfurt animal shelter. She should know at least the basic procedures there (or of not, she might know someone who does, or could tell you whom to call.)
Wie in Frankfurter Flughafen damit umgegangen wird , nun zu meiner Zeit kamen welche durch und andere wieder nicht ..wie es heute gehandhabt wird ..ich bin 6 Jahre da draußen. Ich kann aber gerne mal im OA anfragen wie mit solchen Papieren umgegangen wird wenn gewünscht

Mein Englisch ist leider nicht salonfähig
How it is handled at Frankfurt Airport? At my time some came through and some not. How it is nowadays? I don't know, I'm out of the Job since 6 years now. But I can ask at the authority how the papers will be handled if I should.

@Wiwwelle: Ich hoffe das ist jetzt in Deinem Sinn, sonst lösch' ichs wieder.
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